Distance Learning
The new millennium brought new forms of education. Nowadays, in the world more and more people prefer to learn from a distance.
Department of Distance Learning was organized by order № 1-01-04/408 of the rector on August 2, 2010 in Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
The following tasks of the department were set in accordance with the approved work plan:
- ГОСО РК 5.03.004-2009 "Организация дистанционного обучения. Основные положения;
- СТ РК 34.016-2004 "Технические и программные средства дистанционного обучения";
- СТ РК 34.017-2005 "Информационные технологии. Электронное издание. Электронное учебное издание";
- Правила организации учебного процесса по дистанционным образовательным технологиям;
- Нормативные документы СМК ПГПИ.
Distance learning is an individual learning: a student himself determines the rate of learning, may return several times to individual lessons, can skip some sections, etc. This system of education makes a student to study independently and gain skills of self-education.
Distance learning is learning in a distance, when a teacher and student are separated spatially, and when all or most of the training procedure is carried out using modern information and telecommunication technologies.
Distance learning education technology is a promising way of education. Establishing an effective system of distance education increases the availability of quality education for a significant portion of the population, contributes to the problem of education for people with disabilities and the most complete coverage of the region's population lacking access to education full-time education.
There is a distance education technology by 14 baccalaureate specialties in PSPI.
Baccalureate majors:
5B010100-Preschool education and upbringing
5B010200-Pedagogics and methods of primary education
5B010300-Pedagogics and Psychology
5B011500-Fundamentals of Law and Economics
5B011700-Kazakh language and literature
5B011800-Russian Language and Literature
5B012000-Vocational Training
Distance education technology of PSPI is carried out using case and network technologies.
Case technology is a technology based on acquisition of collections (cases) of teaching materials in paper, electronic and other media, and transfer them to students for independent learning.
Network technology is a technology that includes a provision of teaching materials, forms of interactive learning with a teacher and with each other, as well as the administration of educational process with th help of «Platonus» through the use of Internet.
The educational process is carried out on the basis of distance learning technologies, includes a mandatory classroom and independent work of students.
During virtual classes students get acquainted with the case study content, study of a lecture material, carry out practical tasks and assignments for independent work.
During a training students are given e-mail addresses in the network of ppi.kz, through which are organized off-line consultations with the leading teachers on semester disciplines.
According to the academic calendar a semester lasts from 10 to 15 weeks, during which students pass two testings. Students send executed tasks in electronic form to email addresses of teachers or provide it personally with the purpose to get an estimation of testing.
Contact sessions lasting 3 weeks that end with the final control (examination) are scheduled at the end of a semester. At the contact sessions, according to a schedule, students get advice on semester disciplines, as well as perform laboratory workshops on those subjects where there is no virtual laboratory facilities.
Distance learning course designed on a modular basis: each module is a standard training product that includes a clearly defined body of knowledge and skills, designed to study within a certain time, or a credit unit, the quality of which is fixed by course and control works, as well as a test, control and examination facilities.
Distance Learning Course is not only the text of a lesson,but the whole process, including the search for relevant information in networks, exchange of letters with both the course tutors and other students, access to databases, periodic informational publications distributed through the Internet.
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