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Quality management system of PSPI

Today, improving the quality of educational services of universities is seen as a strategic objective within the framework of state goals and as a means of life support, development and prosperity of a university within the objectives of the institution.

One of the ways to improve the quality of training, competitiveness of the institute is recognition of compliance at the international level through the mechanisms of accreditation and certification. An important component of international accreditation and certification is certification of quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

Implementing a quality management system brings practical benefits, to:

       Management of the institute:

-definition of network processes of the institute, a clear division of responsibilities, authorities, interactions for each of them has improved the management of all activities;

-quality policy, development strategy and objectives of the university is projected onto the lower levels of management are the foundation of a system of indicators and benchmarks for performance evaluation processes, departments, their managers and staff;

-internal audits can specifically identify areas for improvement and gradually activates the activity of managers and staff;

-image of the institute enhances and, consequently, the competitiveness of its educational services;
       Employees of the institute:

-increases the efficiency of document search of all types and work on creation of new forms;

-you can learn much quicker with the new procedure;

-ordering of each employee and his improvement, including the action of internal audit;

-opportunity to participate in the process of improving its operations and the university as a whole, making suggestions for internal auditors on the quality system, improvement of satisfaction of own needs as well as the development of a quality management system allows more clearly define particularly differing workers and encourage them;

        Consumers (applicants, students, educational institutions, etc.):

-         more satisfied with the performance requirements of the educational process and its system software;

-         The image of the university enhances and their diplomas as well.


In 2007 PSPI introduced a quality management system in order to improve the quality of education and performance management systems at the institute.

PSPI got a certificate of conformity of quality management system of international standard ISO 9001:2000 for the design and development of educational services, training with higher education (bachelor, specialist), according to state compulsory standards of higher education in specialties and areas up-to-date a licensing № 08.015.026 in accordance with the Certification Association "Russian Register" (St. Petersburg) and International Network for certification «IQNet» dated from January 14, 2008.

The Institute got a certificate of quality management system of international standard ISO 9001:2008 for the development and implementation of educational services and vocational training programs for science teachers (bachelor, master) according to state educational standards for the specialty groups in accordance with the licensing № 10.1466.026 dated from December 27, 2010 in connection with the expiration of the certificate and on the basis of renewable check of the quality management system.

During the period of operation of the quality management system were defined:

The mission of PSPI

Developed and adopted:

Policy on quality

Quality Objectives

“Organizing and monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at continuous improvement and improving the functioning of the quality management system of PSPI, its faculties, departments and other divisions are managed by management and quality monitoring

Head corps, room 107

Contacts: 55-55-05; 55-27-98 - 229 (internal)

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