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Система Orphus

Кафедра иностранных языков

Department Today


Department of Foreign Languages ​​today - is accounted 173 full-time and part-time students. There are 16 highly qualified teachers, among them a professor of PSPI and 3 PhD, 3 associate professors, 7 masters. However, the hallmark of the department is not only the quantity but also quality. The high quality of the educational process is guaranteed, and applicants received here, putting maximum effort, after 4 years become a well-educated specialists in foreign languages, fluent in English, German, Turkish, French, Spanish languages, and their methods. Our graduates work in educational institutions in Kazakhstan and abroad. The main task of the department is to ensure the educational process at a high scientific and technological level. Currently, the department working on its original programs that are made taking into account requirements of modern linguistics, while in training using modern achievements of domestic and foreign methodical science, video and satellite television, computer programs, language courses, textbooks, manuals and training guidelines that are created as teachers of faculty, as well as foreign authors.



The Faculty


Head of the Department: Zhanar Manatbekovna Baigozhina is a Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor. A pedagogue-scientist, a specialist in Social Pedagogy. Dissertation theme: «Германиядағы әлеуметтік педагогикары дайын даурың ереліктері» (2005, Dissertation Council of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University). Multiple acts as opponent to dissertations at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Graduated from Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1992. Specialty: “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages (German)”. More than 20 methodic and scientific works.

Bibigul Dzhambulovna Nygmetova is an associate professor, Master of Philology, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Multiple language trainings in Germany (2001, 2007). Defended a dissertation on “Specifics of National Worldmeasuring in Russian and German Worldviews” and took Master’s Degree in Philology in 2005. In 2010 defended a candidate’s thesis on “Meteorological Metaphor in the Russian and German Languages (based on weather forecasts)” (L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University). Area of experience – Comparative and Cognitive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication. More than 25 methodic and scientific works.

Rishat Zhurkenovich Saurbaev is a Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Foreign languages Department, a specialist in the sphere of theoretical grammar of English language, syntactical typology. Has passed postgraduate study in the Moscow Pedagogical State University of V.I.Lenin, at the known Russian scientist-germanist,  Doctor of Philology, Professor M.Ya. Blokh. Working over the thesis: «Principles of complication of the sentence in modern English language» for getting  Doctor's degree. In 1985 graduated department of foreign languages of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. Under his management are protected 20 dissertations for getting Master's degree. Has more than 100 scientific and methodical works.
Nadezhda Mikhailovna Stepanova, an associate professor of PGPI.  She teaches courses of "German Lexicology," "German Stylistics", "German Phraseology," leads workshops on “Special Language Purposes "," Language for Academic Purposes", "Literary Interpretation","Second Foreign Language ". She graduated from CSPI (Chelyabinsk), specialities: German and English. She had some language courses in Germany. She takes part in DAAD  (German Academic Exchange Service), Goethe Institute and HIPC training seminars regularly. She has more than 30 scientific publications.

Gulfiya Mullagayanova is an associate professor of Foreign Languages Department. Graduated from Pavlodar State University in 1999 and received the qualification of an English teacher. In 2004 defended a dissertation on “”Happiness”, ”Fortune” and “Luck” Concepts in Russian and English Worldviews” and took Master’s Degree in Philology. In 2010 successfully defended a candidate’s thesis on “Explication of the Speaker’s Emotional State at the Moment of Speech (based on the Tatar, Russian, and English Languages)” (Tobolsk, Russia). Area of experience – Cultural Linguistics, Pragmatics and Comparative Linguistics. Reads a course on Theoretical Grammar. Practical studies: Business English, English for Specific and Academic Purposes, Critical Thinking Development through Video.

Zhanna Konstantinovna Shirokova is the senior teacher of the foreign languages department of the philological faculty. She conducts lectures on “The English lexicology”, “Literature of the English-speaking countries” , tutorials on practice of English, business English, critical thinking through writing, home reading.  She takes part in regional and international conferences publishing her articles and making reports. She was awarded with Thank-you letters and Honored papers  by the University authorities. She arranges an scientific students council on “English etymology”.Her scientific fields are applied linguistics, lingvo-cultural studies, international communication.She publishes in magazine “Pedagogical Vestnik of Kazakhstan”, volumes of regional and international scientific conferences. She has more than 15 articles on methodics and linguistics. Mrs. Shirokova  has  10 years of the  pedagogical  scientific experience.       

Tatyana Nikolaevna Kashapova – a senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages. The national winner of the US-Kazakhstan «ACCELS» contest in 2003. She passed two-month skills courses at the University of South Carolina (USA). She participated in international conferences in the U.S., where she held a seminar for teachers on the topic "Teaching Vocabulary Methods", and demonstrated some lessons for teachers from Europe and Asia. She has a diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan,  Certificate of the University of South Carolina. She took part  in international conferences of English teachers in Kyrgyzstan CATEC on "Ensuring Academic Honesty and Tolerance through the Teaching of English" (June 2004), an international conference in Uzbekistan (Tashkent, 2005) and others. Research interests: methodology of teaching foreign languages​​, applied linguistics, pedagogy and intercultural communication. She has more than 25 scientific publications. Her works are published in Kazakh journals, such as "Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages​​" and "Foreign Languages ​​in schools of Kazakhstan." The teaching experience is 27 years

Sholpan Alimova Zhanbolatovna - a Master of Philology, senior teacher. In 2006 defended a dissertation on: «Communicative interference in cross-cultural communication» and took Master's Degree in Philology. Studying at the part-time postgraduate in PSPI (supervisor - doctor of philosophical sciences, professor. Temirgazina Z.K.) Thesis: "The place and role of assessment in statements sports reports". Teaches a course "Country studying of UK and U.S." leading Practice sessions on Writing and Speaking, Preparation Strategy to TOEFL. In 2005 graduated Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
Aigul Akhmetova Bulatovna - a Master of Philology, senior teacher.  In 2005 graduated  the “Kainar” University in Almaty ". In 2006 defended thesis for getting Master's Degree on: "The ways of using Future tense in English, Kazakh and Russian languages" at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (PSPI). From 2006-2009. studied at the part-time postgraduate in PSPI. Working on a Ph.D. thesis: "The cognitive domain of knowledge "sea" as a source of metaphors in English" (supervisor - doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, Temirgazina Z.K.). Conducting classes of the following disciplines: Practice of Oral Speech and Written language, Theory and Practice of Translation, Practical Phonetics, Practical Grammar, Critical Thinking Through Writing, has 17 scientific and methodic works. An author of a course book for students of foreign languages in Kazakh called: "Basics of Theory and Practice of Translation" (in Kazakh and English languages).
Assel Lakova Askarovna, a Master of Philology, senior teacher. In 2006 In 2006 defended a dissertation on: «Lacunal concepts in Russian and English cultural linguistics» and took Master's Degree in Philology. Studying at the part-time postgraduate in PSPI (supervisor - doctor of philosophical sciences, professor. Temirgazina Z.K.) Reads a course on «Stylistics of English language», «Country studying of UK and U.S.», «Preparation Strategy to TOEFL», leading Practice of oral speech and written language. In 2005 graduated Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
Assel Karimova Orynbaevna is a senior teacher, Master of Philology. Graduated from Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in 2005. In 2006 defended a dissertation on “A Comparative and contrastive analysis of metaphors containing flora components in the Kazakh and English languages (based on Ilyas Yesenberlin’s novel “The Nomads”)” and took Master’s Degree in Philology. In 2008 went to the USA (California). In 2011 won the second prize in a scientific competition “Talent Contest among Young Scientists “Жас Талап”. Area of experience – Cultural Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication. Reads a course on Phraseology. Practical studies: English for Specific and Academic Purposes, Critical Thinking Development through Video.
Tatyana Zhmailo Vladimirovna, senior teacher, is a lecturer in “English for Specific Purposes (level C1)”, “Basic Foreign Language (level B2)”, “English as a Second Language”, “Analytical Reading”, “Practice of Oral Speech and Written Language”, “Practical Grammar”, “Practical Phonetics”, “Practical Foreign Language”, “Home Reading”. Graduated the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in 2006, “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages (English)” proficiency. Methodology of teaching the English language is the sphere of scientific interest.
Assel Smagulova Bissembaevna, senior teacher, conducts lessons in the following disciplines: “English for Special Purposes” (basic, level C1), “English for Special Purposes” (basic, level C1-C2), “Second Foreign Language”, “Analytical Reading”, “Interpretation of a Literary Text”, “Special and Oriented Methodology of Teaching a Foreign Language”, “Social and Political Vocabulary”. Graduated from Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in 2006, specialty: “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages (English)”. Sphere of scientific interests: Methodology of Teaching the English Language.
Meyramgul Ramazanova Abaevna, senior teacher of the department of foreign languages, Master of Sociology. Graduated from Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. The scientific experience is more than 10 years, has over 20 scientific publications. At present conducts lessons in the following disciplines: “Theoretical Grammar” (in German), “English for Special Purposes”, “Second Foreign Language”, “Practical Grammar”, “Interpretation of a Literary Text”, “Theory and Technology  of Teaching Foreign Language in Primary School”. Several times has underwent training courses in Germany, constantly improves professional skills at the Goethe Institute seminars, GIZ.
Ademau Akylbekova Kairgeldinovna, a Master of Philology, senior teacher, conducts lessons in the following disciplines: German language, Practice Grammar of German language. Sphere of scientific interests: Methodology of Teaching the English Language. An author of the following scientific works: «To the questions of theory of conceptual metaphor», «Сравнительный анализ метафор в немецком языке и их эквивалентов в русском языке», «The way of using elements of the game  in a lesson in order to teach students grammar  of foreign language».
Baglan Zhumakeldina Kalymtaevna – senior teacher of the department of foreign languages, Master of Pedagogic. In 1998 graduated from Pavlodar State University in 1999 and received the qualification of a German teacher. In 2005 defended a dissertation on “The development of skilful abilities of a person while studying foreign language” and took Master’s Degree in Pedagogic. Sphere of scientific interests: Methodology of Teaching the German Language, has over 20 scientific publications


Abildinova Zhanara Berikovna
Education: Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, faculty of  lin3guistics, 2005.
Scientific degree: Phylology Science Candidate, Senior teacher of  German language chair of  foreign languages.
Dissertation theme: Linguistic Means of Explication of Ethnic Stereotypes of the Russians, Kazakhs and Germans (on russian anecdotes material basis)  february
Articles units: 30
Teaching Methodical Guidance Amount: 2
Teaching methodical guidance: Russian Kazakh German Terms Dictionary for Students of Non language Specialities, Teaching methodical guidance «Study».
Science interests field: ethnolinguistics, ethnopsychology, linguo cultural, inter cultural communication
Key words, terms, characterizing science interests field; ethnical stereotypes, language means, ethnonym, anthropnyms, toponyms, text linguistics
Abroad Experience:
Clalification courses for young teachers. Goethe Germany Munich, 2008
International summer courses ‘Way to Europe Union’, 2006
Address: Pavlodar town, Pavlov St. 46, flat 45
Contacts: 8-7182-65-16-41
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Zhanzakova Gulmira Zinataevna
Education – Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, 1994, Kazakh Humanitarian Law Institute, Astana, 2008.
Specialty – teacher of English language, lawer
Works as a senior lecturer at PSPI,   department of foreign languages
Number of scientific publications – 25
Number of methodical aids – 3
Area of scientific interests – linguistic, ethno linguistic, methods of teaching language
Key words, terms  – cognitive approach, motivation, linguistic aids, grammar phenomenon
Address – Pavlodar, Aimanov str. 31/3 app.2
Contacts  - 8-7182-64-23-25, 8 701 132 27 52
Zholdabaeva Aliya Saduovna
Education: Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, faculty of foreign languages, from 1990 till 1994, had graduated with excellent diploma.
Senior teacher of English language chair of  foreign languages.
In addition: overall length of service is 17 years, time spent on scientific-pedagogical  work is 10,5 years.
Work in PSPI from f English on the faculty of foreign languages in PSU named after S.Toraigyrov.
More than once improved my qualifications on different courses in Kazakhstan (Almaty – KazSUIRaWL named afterSeptember 2005 till present time. From March 2002 till September 2005 was working as a teacher o Abylaikhan-2004, Pavlodar- PSU named after S.Toraigyrov and PSPI -2002-2008) and in Russia (Moscow –RUDN-2004).
Had taken part in seminars of Macmillan  Heiniman and LEX consulting centre.
Had written and published more than 20 articles, 4 teaching aids.
Kulbaeva Baghlan Tasbulatovna
Education: Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 1984.
Academic status, degree: candidate of philological sciences
Thesis: "Lacuna as a part of a national picture of the world."
Research Interests:
Intercultural communication.
Linguistic picture of the world.
Intercultural competence.
Additional Information:
Total experience: 25 years, including scientific and pedagogical - 24 years.
Oguzbayev Aslan Ermekovich
University: Pavlodar State University, phylological faculty, 2001
Speciality: English language specialist
Articles amount: 6
Clue words: linguistics, comparative analysis of german and turkic languages
Phone: 8-7182- 65-16-41
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Shomanova Gulnar
Education: 1984 graduated Almaty pedagogical Institute of foreign languages. Works as senior teacher of German language at department of Foreign languages. Teaches students studing by the specialties «Biology», «Chemistry», «Defectology», «Geography», «Pedagogik and psychology», «Sport and physical culture», «Russian Language and literature.
Has got courses of skills developing in Germany «Germany in VS: Dresden- Munchen», 2003. Took parcipating in IV Forum of German Language teachers. Parcipated in  international program of youth changing «Pavlodar Kazakhstan – Veilburg Germany» 2004-2007. Took parcipating in UNT and BGT as a representative of ME&S RK. Awarted by diploma of ME and S RK.
Contacts: 8(7182)65-16-41
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Supplementary staff responsible for the technical work of the department:
Laboratory assistant Sholpan Omarova Khamitovna
лаборант: Asem Kozhikova Akhmetullaevna




The Department of Foreign languages has been formed in 1974 at the Pavlodar Pepagogical Institute. The department carries out a set and conducts studying on futher specialities:

On the basis of secondary education

5В011900 – «Foreign language: two foreign languages» - on internal form of studying (4 years),on correspondence form of studying (5 years)

5В021000 – «Foreign philology» – on internal form of studying (4 years).

On the basis of secondary professional education (accelerated studying)
5В011900 - «Foreign language: two foreign languages» - on internal form of studying (3 years), on correspondence form of studying (3 years).
5В021000 – «Foreign philology» – on correspondence form of studying (3 years).
On the basis of higher education
5В011900 - ««Foreign language: two foreign languages» - on correspondence form of studying (2 years).

Employment of graduates

Objects of professional work

Objects of professional work of graduates on a speciality of 5В011900 «Foreign language: two foreign languages» are:
Preschool centers
Comprehensive schools
Comprehensive schools with profound studying of languages
Senior high schools
Lycées, grammar schools, colleges
Objects of professional work of graduates on a speciality of 5В021000 «Foreign philology" are:
Various joint enterprises with German-speaking and English-speaking countries;
Establishments of the external economic and foreign policy communications;
Instructors and managers of the foreign companies;


Studying of all specialities is conducted in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

Disciplines read on the department:
Theoretical phonetics of foreign language;
Theoretical grammar of foreign language;
Foreign language lexicology;
Foreign language history;
Language for specific purposes;
Language for academic purposes;
Introduction in the German philology;
Introduction in a specialty;
Country studying;
The literature of Great Britain, the USA and Germany;
Foreign language stylistics;
Introduction in the theory of intercultural communications;
Modern technique of teaching of foreign languages;
History of methods of training to foreign languages;
Special orientation technique of teaching and training foreign languages;
Early training to foreign languages;
Practice of oral speaking and written  language;
Business English (German);
Preparation strategy to TOEFL;
Practical grammar;
Practical phonetics;
Analytical reading;
Modern phraseology of a foreign language;
Practical work on intercultural dialogue;
The theory and practice of translation;
Interpretation of a Literary Text.




In 1974 the department was created in English and foreign languages ​​department at the Faculty of Philology of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. In 1977 year founded the Department of Foreign Languages. The first Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute was - the candidate of philological sciences, docent Zharmakin Olzhabay Kaykenovich. Subsequently, in different years deans were: Ph.D., associate professor Yuri G. Sokolov, PhD, associate professor Pahutkin Peter Ivanovich, senior teacher Farida Pahutkina Gandalifovna, Ph.D., associate professor Solontsova Lyudmila Pavlovna. At the faculty at various times worked well-known in the city and country high school teachers, among them the well-known linguists and methodologists Ph.D., Sokolov Yu.G., Ph.D., Associate Professor Shapiro Y. E., PhD, associate professor Sobirov A.M., PhD, associate professor Pahutkin P.I., PhD, associate professor Fedulenkova T.N., PhD, associate professor Demesinova G.H., PhD, professor Megentesov S.A., candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Associate Professor Lange M.G., candidate of pedagogical sciences associate professor Volovik, candidate of pedagogical sciences associate professor Arenova T.V., senior teachers Gakhov V.V., Gysin Z.B., Trushkova E.G., Kecherukova M.M., Baskov L.P., Rein A.K, Anselm R.D., Maurer E.O., Pahutkina F.G., Tkachenko P.G., Tkachenko I.S., etc.
After the unification of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. S. Toraigyrov and the Kazakh State Technical University, in 1997 formed in Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrov. Department of Foreign Languages ​​has merged with the Faculty of Philology and functioned as part of History and Philology, then in the Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Pavlodar State University.
In September of 2004. after isolation of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, from the PSU to them. S. Toraigyrov, was re-organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
Order of the rector of PSPI Sc.D., Professor Shaimardanova Zhaslan Kudaibergenovich from 01/10/04., Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​has been appointed - PhD, associate professor Saurbaev R.Zh.
In 2007 Rector of PSPI - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nuhuly Altynbek, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​has been appointed - PhD, associate professor Tekzhanov K.M.
Since 2009, the foreign languages ​​department joined the Faculty of Philology, has been appointed dean of the faculty Sutzhanov S.N. Department of English and German languages ​​were merged into the Department of Foreign Languages, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​has been appointed candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, professor of PSPI Solontsova Lyudmila Pavlovna.
In June 2010 the dean of Faculty of Philology was appointed Sәrseke G.A.
On September 1, 2011 Dean of Faculty of Philology was appointed because of Philology. Mr., assistant professor Tekzhanov K.M, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​-candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor Baygozhina Zhanar Manatbekovna.

Science and International cooperation

Department of foreign languages supports good scientific contacts with Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi, Kazakh National Pedagogical University of Abay, Kazakh University of the International Relations and World Languages of Abylai khan, Eurasian National University of L.N.Gumilev, Pavlodar State University, Innovative Eurasian University (InЕU), Omsk State University, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk State University, the Altay State University, the Surgut State University, the Surgut State Pedagogical University, the Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute of D.I.Mendeleyev.




Scientific work at the Department maintained in accordance with the following research areas:  
Communicative-based on learning foreign languages;
linguistic foundations of intercultural communication;
Social-cultural education and training  languages with self-studying facilities




Additional information

At the Department of Foreign Languages works methodological associations and sections on various aspects of the language. Questions of teaching work at the department are also the subject of considerable discussion at the Board of the Faculty. At the department has developed a system of testing students for a separate discipline, as well as comprehensive testing, created banks of the tests of multi-directional and various degrees of complexity. The whole department carries out extensive scientific-research activities. The results of linguistic studies of the teachers of Foreign language Department are presented at High school, intercollegiate, and international conferences, meetings, seminars of problem groups, in scientific publications of linguistics, methodology, and other humanities, in research works of graduate and postgraduate students, candidates and graduate students in theses. among higher education institutions, in theses and dissertations. The department has also a work with a number of schools. During teaching practice of the student our teachers make presentations and reports on matters of linguistics, methodology for school teachers. An important place for the faculty of Foreign languages plays the research work of the students. Teachers of the ​​department of foreign languages head the research works of students in groups on the history of language, lexicology, grammar theory, and theoretical phonetics, methods of teaching foreign languages. The results of the works are presented at meetings of clubs, at the annual Interuniversity Student Conference, reflected in the theses of students' performances in the scientific collection of PSPI, in the joint publication with the teachers, in the writing of theses and master’s works. The students who are attracted to the scientific and research activity, after 4 years of training in the specialty, "foreign philology" and "foreign language: two foreign languages" have qualifications of bachelors of Foreign Languages ​​(English and German), Bachelor of Education and will be able to continue their studies in linguistics as well as by the method of teaching a foreign language entering postgraduate study for getting Master's and PhD degrees. Department of Foreign Languages ​​- a successful combination of tradition and innovative ideas. The educational process at the department is fully provided with the scientific and methodical literature, modern editions, equipped with audio and video, is equipped with modern technology. Teachers of the department using new authentic materials, as well as methodological development of new generation. For the successful acquisition of knowledge has created all necessary conditions - the best students are offered a great opportunities to go abroad, and they consistently demonstrate a high level of training and excellent knowledge of the language of educational standards of the department.


Educational work

However, life of the students of the department is not limited only studying.  There are lots of  cheerful holidays, evenings, discos that make students’ life interesting, many-sided and such unforgettable. Traditions of the department are connected not only with professional, educational actions: evenings in English and German languages, holidays: “Dedication in students”, “Day of Republic”, “Day of the Teacher”, "Christmas", "Halloween", "Valentine's day".
At the Department of FL is created the student's self-government institutions – Committee on Youth Affairs (CYA) which takes direct part in educational work, the cooperation of CYA students is adjusted with dean's office of faculty which consists in checking and the accounting of attendance and studying of students. The material for the first student's publication “Reality” where students want to shine the most interesting events in the country and the world, in the institute, at the department and in groups is collected, there is also planning to tell about the problems and joyful events from life of the students. Efficiency and expediency of involving of students in organizing work consists of the teaching structure of faculty aspires to develop at students organizing and creative abilities, patriotic feelings.

For the purpose of developing patriotism and love of the Motherland curatorial classes devoted to Independence Day of Kazakhstan were conducted. Students of FE-32 also took part in conducting a faculty holiday devoted to the 15th anniversary of Assembly of Kazakhstan People in November 2010.
For increasing motivation and respect for the culture of English-speaking countries the following curatorial classes were conducted:
Taking part in the Halloween Costume Parade  - October, 2010
Taking part in an event devoted to Thanksgiving Day — October, 2010
Christmas tea parties — December, 2010.
For the purpose of supporting healthy life-style, anti-AIDS propaganda there was a conversation in English.





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