NUHULY Altynbek
- Academic status:
- Professor
- Academic degree:
- the Doctor of Chemistry, the Academician of the International Academy of Engineering Sciences
- function:
- Acting rector of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
NUHULY Altynbek - the Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, the Academician of the International Academy of Engineering Sciences
1979-1984 – 1979-1984 – study at chemical faculty of KAZSU (honors degree).
Professional experience:
1984-1996 - Laboratory assistant, trainee-researcher (Ivanovo, Russia), graduate student, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor, professor of department of physical chemistry and electrochemistry of KazNU of al-Farabi (Almaty).
1996-1997 - Chief specialist of department of petro chemistry of Head department of microeconomic policy of Ministry of Economic Affairs of RK (Almaty).
1997-1999 - Head of the laboratory "Thermodynamics and kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous processes", professor of KazNU of al-Farabi (Almaty).
1999-2000 - Chief specialist of department of state standards and regulatory base of Department of the higher education and science of MES of RK (Astana).
2000-2001 - Head of department of certification of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana).
2001-2003 - Vice rector for scientific work and international relations of the Pavlodar State University of S. Toraygyrov (Pavlodar).
2003-2004 - Rector of Versatile humanitarian and technical university (Karaganda).
2004-2007 - Rector of Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar).
2007-2008 - Rector of the Pavlodar Sate Pedagogical Institute (Pavlodar).
2009-2010 -Vice-chairman of Committee of science of MES of RK (Astana).
2010-2012 - Manager of sector of Department of industrial and innovative development of Prime minister's department (Astana).
2013-2015 - As a part of a personnel allowance of government employees of the case "A" (Astana).
Since May, 2016 - Acting rector of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
Awards: "The honourable educator of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001), "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2004), the Letter of acknowledgement of the President of Kazakhstan (2005), the Anniversary medal "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2011), Certificates of honor of the Akim of the Pavlodar region (2006), the Pavlodar regional maslikhat (2005) and the Pavlodar city maslikhat (2005) was awarded by breastplates. In 2007 he was awarded the award of K.I. Satpayev.
Since 2006 member of the party of "Nur Otan", member of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan (2005). In 2010 it is elected the academician of the International Academy of Engineering Sciences (Moscow), the academician of National engineering academy of Sciences (Almaty), the academician of the Kazakhstan national academy of natural sciences (Astana).
Training: research supervisor of 1 doctor and 4 Candidates of Chemistry.
Publications: in total more than 300 works, from them 4 monographs, 5 textbooks and education guidances, 20 patents and copyright certificates on inventions, 133 articles, 6 Russian-Kazakh terminological and explanatory industry dictionaries (including the Russian-Kazakh-English chemical dictionary), 8 methodical developments and 33 theses of reports, and also more than 90 publications of social and political and cultural and educational subject, in particular books "Kereku-Bayan library" from the Rukhnama series (28 volumes), "The encyclopedia of the Pavlodar region", "Rock paintings of Kereku-Bayan", "Scientists of the Pavlodar region", "Prizer of Bayanaul" (in two volumes), "The famous women of the Pavlodar Priirtyshje", etc.
Mukataeva Janat Makanovna (14/03/1957)
Education: PavlodarState Pedagogical Institute, Biology and Chemistry Department , 1981.
Academic status, degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
Thesis: “Regulation of free fatty acid release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles”.
Doctoral dissertation: "Morphological and psychophysiological development characteristics of children and adolescents of Pavlodar blast', living in urban and rural areas”.
Research interests: human and animal physiology, age physiology.
Additional Information:
- Total work experience: 29 years, including 27 years in the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute;
- Akim's grant for contributions to the science;
- Member of the Physiological Society of RK.
Current Projects:
- Monitoring of physical and mental health of schoolchildren of Pavlodar oblast'.
- Inclusive Education.
Ilyasova Asem Serikovna 01.08.1979
Education: Pavlodar State University (1995-1999gg.), specialty "History".
The Pavlodar State University of S. Toraygyrov (2001-2003), magistracy.
The Pavlodar State University of S. Toraygyrov (2003-2005), postgraduate study.
Academic status, degree: candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of PSPI
Subject of the master's thesis: "Activities of the West Siberian Russian geographical society for studying of Northeast Kazakhstan at the end of XIX-the beginning of the XX centuries"
Number of scientific publications: more than 30 scientific articles are published, including: in the magazines recommended CCSES MES RK, materials of the international, republican conferences and the congresses, 1 educational and methodical grant.
Area of scientific interests: national history, Russian-Kazakh relations, historiography, source study and methods of historical research.
Current projects: grant of MES RK, for 2012-2014. "Acts of the Russian Empire as a source on studying of history of Kazakhstan"
Phone: 8(7182) 65-16-04
Isakaev Erbol Maratovich (21/11/1977)
Education: Pavlodar State University (1995 -1999.) Specialty “Biology”.
Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraighyrov (1995-1999.) Master's degree.
Degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences, assistant professor.
Thesis: “Blood-sucking midges of middle reaches of the Irtysh River and an experience with using larvicide drug for regulation their numbers”.
Research interests: zoology, parasitology, cytology and histology.
Additional information:
The total teaching experience - 9 years.