Выпускники ПГПИ востребованы на рынке труда

On department of mathematics and physics of PSPI the program of a multilingualism is actively realized. Graduates of chair Zhakupov N., Hasenov A., Zhumanazarova D., being on student teaching in Nazarbayev to intellectual school, proved as good subject teachers with knowledge of English and received the invitation to work in this school.


High level of language preparation was shown also by other students, for what prestigious invitations received: Myrzakhmetov A. will go to the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum of the city of Karaganda; Urinbasarov A., Egizbek B., Munaytpas M. are distributed in the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum of Pavlodar where disciplines are taught in English. Kamitov M. students, Erezhepova А.будут to work in the 8th lyceum for exceptional children.

It confirms competitiveness and a demand of graduates of PSPI on a wound of work and their compliance to modern requirements.
