Kuralay Zekenovna Zhunussova - candidate of chemical sciences
Education: in 1995 graduated from Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. Qualification–biology and chemistry teacher.
In November 1997, she was admitted to the graduate school of the Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry (IOKE) in "Catalysis" and ended in November 2000.
2005 – defense of a thesis for the degree of a candidate of chemical sciences with a specialization in "Catalysis". The title of the thesis – "Reforming of methane with carbon dioxide in the Co-containing catalysts promoted Pt-group metal and supported on alumina".
In 2005 - teacher at the department of chemistry at Pavlodar state pedagogical institute, senior lecturer, then assistant professor.
The experience of scientific and pedagogical work at the institute is about 13 years.
2012 year:
- «Методологические аспекты охраны окружающей среды», сертификат (ПГПИ);
- «Modern professional education: requirment fortraing, evaiuation, interaction with the private sector», сертификат № 0126 (ПГПИ), 32ч.
2014 year:
- «Подготовка педагогических кадров к работе в условиях 12-ти летней школе», сертификат № 23-284, ЖМУ им. И. Жансугурова;
- «Геолого-географическая составляющая туристко-краеведческой деятельности», сертификат №7490, (ПГПИ) 8 ч.;
- «Зеленый Пакет для Каспийского региона», сертификат №7490, (ПГПИ) 8 ч.;
- «Как находить журналы с импакт-фактором», сертификат, АО "НЦПК "Әрлеу" г. Алматы;
- «Қазақстан Республикасының ЖОО педагогикалық мамандықтарының оқытушыларының біліктілігін арттыру» АО "НЦПК "Әрлеу" г. Алматы; сертификат № 0130738, 240 ч.;
2016 year: - «Кәсіби бағытталған химиялық білім арқылы студенттердің танымдық қызығушылығын арттыру», сертификат, ЖМУ им. И. Жансугурова;
Language courses:
2014 year: - IELTS British Council г. Астана;
2016 year –the second higher education on a specialty: 5V011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages; 2 years (2565ch, PSPI);
- «English as foreign language (level A2) with elements of preparation for IELTS and elements of CLIL methodology», Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, in Spring semester, 2016, certificate UKP-16-224 (3899).
Educational work
Monitor of HS-31, HS-21 groups.
The author of more 50 scientific papers.