Environmental Biology: Ecology of individuals, populations and ecosystems biogeocenosis. Place of population ecology in the division and in the autecology synecology. The relationship between an animal and the environment. Lifestyle animals in connection with the conditions of their existence. The value of environmental factors for major shipments of animal organisms: nutrition, reproduction, survival, population fluctuations, etc.

Modern technologies of learning biology: Basics of didactics of biology. Formation and development of biological concepts; interdisciplinary communication; methods and instructional techniques training; forms of organization of educational process; content, structure of school curricula and textbooks and their analysis; method of studying the major sections of biology at school biology education system in the modern school. Educational and training objectives of learning biology. The basic principles of the content and structure of a school course of biology. Methods of teaching biology. Forms of teaching biology.

Biochemistry as a basic component of modern physical and chemical biology. Methods of biochemical research. The chemical composition of organisms. The need for different organisms in the chemical elements. Metabolism and energy in living systems. Characteristics of the main classes of organic compounds present in nature, their biological role. Functional biochemistry of subcellular structures. Proteins: composition, structure, properties and functions. Enzymes, coenzymes: structure, properties, classification. The mechanisms of action of enzymes, regulation of their activity, the practical use. Vitamins: the need for them humans and animals; classification and role in metabolism. Antivitamin, antibiotics, volatile, herbicides, mechanism of their action. Nucleic acids. Structure and function of DNA and RNA.

Biophysics: thermodynamics. Bioelectric potentials. The electrical conductivity of biological systems. Photobiology, physical factors action on biological objects. Basic biological processes in living systems. Radiation Biophysics. Biomechanics and acoustics. Hydrodynamics. Chronobiology and autowave processes.

Plant Physiology: Plant Physiology - the science of the functions of the plant organism. Physiology of plant cell organelles structural features due to their biological functions. Photosynthesis - the transformation of absorbed light energy into chemical energy of organic matter. Pigments plastids. Light and dark phase of photosynthesis. Ecology photosynthesis. Breath and its value. Substrates of breathing and ways of oxidation. Environmental and developmental aspects of breathing. The importance of water for the life of plants. Water exchange of plant cells. The lower and upper limit motor current of water through the plant. Ecological features of water metabolism. Need plants in mineral elements. The physiological role of macro- and micronutrients. Absorption of mineral substances.

Introduction to Biology: Biology as a science of living. The concept of "live". The main features and properties of living organisms. Variety and classification of living organisms. Principles of classification. Structural and functional classification. Kingdom of nature and their characteristics. "The system of nature." Structural levels of organization of life. The cellular level of the organization. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. The main features of the structure of prokaryotic cells. Structure and diversity of eukaryotic cells. Cellular organelles. The features of animal and plant cells. Unicellular and multicellular organisms. The transition to multicellular filogeneze.Evolyutsiya in ontogeny and the organic world. The concept of "biogenesis". Stages of biogenesis. Biological evolution of the biosphere. The concept of development in biology. Theories K.Linneya, Zh.B.Lamarka, Cuvier, Darwin and A.Uollesa. The synthetic theory of evolution (STE). Basic concepts and the situation STE. The idea of ​​elementary evolutionary phenomena and factors. The concepts of "population", "mutations", "waves of life", "isolation", "natural selection" .Paleontologicheskaya chronicle of the organic world. The idea of ​​paleontological remains. Stages of geological development of the Earth. Geochronological scale.

Genetics (5В011300 - Biology, 5В060700 - Biology). Keywords: Subject and problems of genetics. The main stages of development. Methods of genetic research. The material basis of heredity. The mechanisms of reproduction of prokaryotes. Cell cycle. Mitosis as a mechanism of asexual reproduction in eukaryotes. Cytological basics of sexual reproduction. Laws of inheritance of traits and principles of heredity. Inheritance in the mono- and poligibridnom crossing. Inheritance by reacting genes. Genetics of sex. Linked genes. Extranuclear inheritance. Features genetic analysis of microorganisms. Variability, its causes and methods of study. Mutational variability, classification. The spontaneous and induced mutagenesis. Modification variability. Nature gene. Evolution of the gene. Molecular mechanisms of realization of genetic information. Genetic bases of ontogenesis, mechanisms of differentiation, action and interaction of genes, genotype and phenotype, stage and critical periods of ontogenesis. Population genetics and genetic basis of evolution: the population and its genetic structure, genetic factors of population dynamics. Human genetics: methods for studying the problems of medical genetics. The genetic basis of selection: selection of the science and the technology, the sources of variability for the selection, mating system of plants and animals, methods of selection.

Molecular biology (5В011300 - Biology, 5В060700 - Biology). Keywords: Major achievements, modern theoretical and practical problems of molecular biology. Methods of molecular biology. Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering: restriction analysis, cloning, hybridization, identification of nucleotide sequences of DNA and RNA, the chemical synthesis of genes. The creation of artificial genetic programs. The structure of the genomes of pro- and eukaryotes. Unique and recurrent genes. Hox gene. Non-nuclear genomes. DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Satellite DNA. DNA viruses and phages. Banks nucleotide sequences, the program "Human Genome". DNA fingerprinting. Genetically determinate disease. Mobile genetic elements and evolution of genomes. The structure of chromatin. DNA polymorphism. Replication of various DNA and its regulation. Telomeric DNA sequences. Damage and DNA repair. Transkriptonov structure and regulation of transcription in pro- and eukaryotes. RNA processing. Splicing and its species. Ribozymes. Reverse transcription. Sorderzhaschie RNA viruses. Molecular basis of carcinogenesis. Oncogenes. Communication structure and function of proteins. Protein engineering. The extracellular protein synthesis. Intermolecular interactions and their role in the functioning of living systems. The molecular basis of evolution, differentiation, development and aging. Molecular mechanisms of cell cycle regulation. Programmed cell death.